Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Angela Wilson
Achievers Resources, Australia
Keynote: The hidden connection between the unconscious mind & mental health & hypnotic rhythm
Time : 09:00-09:30
PhD Holistic Researcher and Case Investigator from Achievers Resource, Brisbane Australia Mind Power Lady, Dr Angela Wilson (Ph.D.) is known as the authority of the unconscious mind. The combination of taking as an extra person in the family and living in a world of medical professionals led her hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find out at the early age of six. Her cutting-edge discovery brings possible innovative research on medical treatment. It results from eleven generations of Chinese herbal medicine Heritage; the 22nd generation on energy healing; academic study; holistic qualifications; rich clinical experience; and unstoppable cross-disciplinary testing by risking her life d and more.
This talk aims to bring accurate thinking and a creative mind set on possible innovative psychiatry & psychosomatic medicine. It will disclose. The ecosystem uses hypnotic rhythm to trap humans into the whirlpool of on-going psychological barriers or “irreversible” mental disorder for the eventual tragic ending. How a variety of mental health symptoms are shaped into different energy forms. How to break the thought pattern before it becomes the symptoms. The cause of most professionals being trapped in the confusion of the subconscious mind and unconscious mind. How most of us are misled to the endless darkness of the subconscious mind. How our super mental strength against us. The resources of symptoms from the unknown. How nutrition, diet, paranormal phenomena, healing, meditation, etc. trigger possible mental health issues, etc. The case study will bring ideas on how we could deal with the unknown part of the mind effectively.
- Mental Health, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychiatry and Psychology, Bipolar and Schizophrenia, Neuropsychiatry, Psychotherepy, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Self-harm and Suicide Prevention, Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Psychosomatic Disorders
Location: Webinar
Session Introduction
Tarapranav Bhattacharya
University of Mumbai, India
Title: Musings of an immature doctor
Time : 09:30-10:00
A Microbiology graduate from University of Mumbai, Tarapranav went on to complete medical education from the prestigious Armed Forces medical College, Pune. Having contributed to services for more than a decade with varied exposures he went on to pursue Specialisation on Hospital Administration from the same college. He has published papers and has won the second prize in poster presented at HOSPICON 2020. He has presented papers at national and international fora. His core area is to develop efficiency in the Healthcare arena of India and abroad alike conforming to standards systematically. Devising Lean procedures in Human Resource development with the sustainance of an emotionally intelligent environment is his key area of research.
The definition of Health has long been known. Healthbeing a state of complete wellbeing of multiple dimensions and not merely the absence of disease. But is it actually being practised? Right from multimodal approach to a patient arriving in the hospital till the time he/ she leaves, how is the experience accounted for? Value Analysis of the healthcare system has gone a long way but what of the care givers?
This paper presents eight case reports of how a patient can be dealt, what has been followed what not? And likewise what a patient expects from the medical fraternity and vice versa.
The mutual expectations and exchanges are the real game changers. Depending on the layer of the consciousness and the penetration of the conversation the solution emanates.
Lastly the paper tries to draw a path to the infinite which has been strewn by thorns and flowers alike , the destination being a day where- “ The mind is without fear and head is held high!!”.
Anat Ben Salmon
Co-manager of Kelim Shluvim L.T.D, Israel
Title: Mental and physiological structures and mechanisms of overprotection in the aetiology of autoimmune disease
Time : 10:00-10:30
Together with Ofer Erez, Anat is the co-manager of Kelim Shluvim L.T.D (est. 2006) that specialises in diagnosis and therapy and for individuals and families in both clinical and home settings. She has more than 16 years of practical experience working with children, adolescents and parents, and has treated hundreds of couples and families. Together with Ofer Erez, Anat is the co-manager and lecturer at ROTeM centre for practical professional training and has been teaching and supervising students in parental counselling for the past nine years and in psychotherapy for the past five years. Anat serves as the chairman of the Israeli Parental Counselling and Family Counselling Association. Anat is involved in ongoing research of her practice and interdisciplinary research with a medical doctor and has published several academic publications in the last year. She serves on the editorial board of “Clinical images and case reports journal”.
Despite the prevalence of autoimmune diseases, and the variety of proposed factors involved in their aetiology, the exact cause of autoimmune disorders is still unknown (Pisetsky, D. S. M., 2020). As psychotherapists specializing in work with parents for the last sixteen years, and a physician who has worked with adolescents for seventeen years, in this presentation, we propose to consider the analogy between the dynamics of the overprotective family and those of the overactive immune system in autoimmune disorders, and that they are both manifestations of the structures and mechanisms of narcissistic anxiety. The impact of overprotective family dynamics upon the emotional development of a child had been extensively discussed (e.g. Spada, M. M., Caselli, G., Manfredi, C., et. al., 2011). The overprotective parenting style is characterised by parents who present guarding behaviour that is excessive considering the child’s developmental stage and the actual risk level in their environment. Overprotective parents tend to obsess over their children’s physical and emotional safety, at a level that exceeds the actual level of risk (Clarke, K., Cooper, P., & Creswell, C., 2013). Analogous to this, autoimmune diseases are clinical manifestations of aberrant and "hyper-reactive" autoimmune responses to self-antigens of normal bodily constituents leading to inflammation, cell injury, or a functional disturbance (Pisetsky, D. S. M., 2020). Medical literature has suggested the correlation between emotional disorders and a variety of autoimmune diseases (Song, et. al., 2018). This presentation suggests to consider that high levels of anxiety underlie both overprotective manifestations. Instead of functioning as defence mechanisms aimed to protect the self, they are diverted into a direct attack on it.
Ileana Loreley Nedelcu
University of Politehnic Bucharest, Romania
Title: GOD BRAIN REALITY invention and the cancer recovery therapy as its first application
Time : 10:30-11:00
Ileana Loreley Nedelcu has Bachelor Degree in Automation & Computer Science – University of Politehnic Bucharest, Romania & L'Ecole Universitaire de Lille, France
Bachelor Degree in Psychology University of Bucharest, Romania.
There are places on Earth in which there is no electricity, but they have a religion, a belief, in one God or in many and always as an external force. There are places on Earth where Science is something that they heard about, but the religion, the beliefs are their ruling God, their science, their Savior, their everything that keeps them in hope but also in a bond with that external force. The meta-analysis on the efficiency of the psychological therapies on cancer patients showed in Canada that as fast as a patient is relying on his own capabilities more than on the external supporters after the medical care is finished, as fast as they cure themselves. In other words as fast as the patients are succeeding to be out of the natural bond created between the patient and the team, or at least one of the medical care members, as fast their God is going to be in charge. Meaning their own brain's capabilities will be in charge to support better the natural regulation of the body and the coming back faster to the energy levels of the health state of the body. Having all these in mind and underlying the reality that GOD is actually the humanity's intuition of its own brain projected in the outer world, the GOD-Brain Reality become the most wanted reality that will help the patient and all the procedures involved medically, psychologically for the greatest benefits of the patient's recovery. The GOD BRAIN reality can be set in practice through a virtual reality device as well as through a classic interaction human to human.
Gosta Alfven & Eva Andersson
Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Title: Understanding pain of stress etiology, comprising changes in muscle exitability, harmones and the nervous system
Time : 12:20-12:50
Gosta Alfven and Eva Andersson both are currently working in the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska institute & Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, -all Stockholm, Sweden.
Background: Negative stress is very common, always affecting brain and body resulting in different symptoms often called psychosomatic. To better understand stress, it is important to overcome the mind-body dichotomy and explore how they are connected.
Objective and Method: We will present in children with recurrent stress related pain, some hormonal changes and electromyography (EMG) data, showing a novel and a missing link, regarding central and peripheral neurophysiological changes of significant importance for better understanding recurrent multiple psychosomatic pain.
Results: During high acoustic signals, the startle reaction was shown, via EMG, to be potentiated, more easily and more often elicited in several muscles related to the pain, in 19 children with recurrent stress related pain in the head, neck and abdomen, diagnosed according to strict defined criteria, and compared to 21 matched controls. Also, higher resting muscle activity was found in these children as well as increased cortisol and decreased oxytocin. Conclusion: Stressors evoke stress response for example in the amygdala, which can trigger and potentiate the startle reaction with amplified muscle excitability and tonus. These reactions and the increased cortisol and decreased oxytocin in those children are in accordance with findings of the right dominance of stress in the bi-cameral brain. These neurophysiological facts can be of importance for the understanding of clinical manifestation of psychosomatic pain and must be heeded in the treatment of patients with pain related to stress.
Eric Yuri Reznik
Barry University, USA
Title: Therapeutic martial arts – clinical therapy program using threat-aggression modulation response (TAMR) model
Time : 13:50-14:20
Eric Yuri Reznik holds a Psy.D. in clinical and forensic psychology from Albizu University (formally Miami Institute of Psychology) and has experience of 35 years in the field. He is a clinical director of BeWell Rehabilitation and Counselling Group and holds a rank of a Master in Saminchilu Martial Arts. He has published three books including Therapeutic Martial Arts. Reznik has taught in multiple colleges and universities since 1998 and currently he is an adjunct faculty at Barry University. Between 2001 and 2007, Dr. Reznik was inducted into the Eastern International Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
Therapeutic Martial Arts is program that is designed to combine therapeutic interventions using group structure and Martial Arts. This program combines traditional aspect of Martial Arts, Eastern and Western philosophies in combination with several evidence-based clinical and philosophical modalities. Several theories describe psychological and physiological reaction to stress, aggression, self-esteem, and mindfulness. Threat-Aggression Modulation Response (TAMR) Model will be presented as an alternative to the Fight or Flight Syndrome. T postulates that there is an intervening processing mechanism, and therefore, a variety of responses between encountering aggressive stimulus and responding to it. Research focuses on theoretical and practical application using this innovative program, including meditation. The Therapeutic Martial Arts program helps children and adolescents to experience therapeutic change through structure of the ancient art, group dynamics, and other therapeutic interventions such as dynamic, cognitive, behavioural, gestalt and meditation. Participants, not only will be able to improve their physical conditioning, but also social skills, anger control, and awareness of their own actions and effects towards other people, as well as improve their self-esteem, communication skills, performance in school, and reaction towards stressful stimuli.
Haifa Bin Hameed
University of Sheffield, UK
Title: The threat to life and health caused by chronic medical illness can contribute to traumatic reactions. Chronic and life-threatening illnesses are associated with negative mental health outcomes and were added to DSM-IV as one of the stressful events leading to the onset of PTSD
Time : 14:50-15:20
Haifa Bin Haamed is a PhD researcher at University of Sheffield, UK.
Aims: To determine the prevalence of PTSD and the risk factors for PTSD symptomology in individuals with a history of chronic medical illness.
Method: 138 adults with a history of chronic illness were recruited via a research recruiting website, social media platforms and patient support groups. Participants completed a PTSD self-report measure and perceived social support scale, and provided demographic information. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were conducted.
Result: PTSD is highly prevalent among individuals diagnosed with a chronic illness; 40.6% participants scored above the cut-off on the PCL scale (≥ 33), indicating high likelihood of PTSD. Predictors of PTSD severity included young age at diagnosis, history of traumatic loss of a civil relationship, and specific medical and surgical procedure such as diagnosis, surgery and non-surgical treatment procedure. The availability of adequate social support, adequate quality of professional support and the absence of mental health condition pre-diagnosis with chronic illness were associated with low PTSD symptoms.
Conclusions: The findings are consistent with existing literature, supporting the assertion that PTSD can be associated with many chronic illnesses