Eric Yuri Reznik
Barry University, USA
Title: Therapeutic martial arts – clinical therapy program using threat-aggression modulation response (TAMR) model
Biography: Eric Yuri Reznik
Therapeutic Martial Arts is program that is designed to combine therapeutic interventions using group structure and Martial Arts. This program combines traditional aspect of Martial Arts, Eastern and Western philosophies in combination with several evidence-based clinical and philosophical modalities. Several theories describe psychological and physiological reaction to stress, aggression, self-esteem, and mindfulness. Threat-Aggression Modulation Response (TAMR) Model will be presented as an alternative to the Fight or Flight Syndrome. T postulates that there is an intervening processing mechanism, and therefore, a variety of responses between encountering aggressive stimulus and responding to it. Research focuses on theoretical and practical application using this innovative program, including meditation. The Therapeutic Martial Arts program helps children and adolescents to experience therapeutic change through structure of the ancient art, group dynamics, and other therapeutic interventions such as dynamic, cognitive, behavioural, gestalt and meditation. Participants, not only will be able to improve their physical conditioning, but also social skills, anger control, and awareness of their own actions and effects towards other people, as well as improve their self-esteem, communication skills, performance in school, and reaction towards stressful stimuli.