Theme: “Applications of Psychosomatic Medicine to Achieve Mental and Physical Wellness”

Psychosomatic Medicine-2023

Renowned Speakers

Psychosomatic Medicine-2023

On behalf of Organizing Committee we invite all the participants from all part of the world to attend the Psychiatry conference entitled “40th International Conference on Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine” scheduled during May 22-23, 2023 in Berlin, Germany

Psychosomatic Medicine 2023 is the leading meeting dedicated to Psychiatrists and Stress researchers with the theme “Psychosomatic Medicine: Emerging Trends and Perspectives

Goal of Psychosomatic Medicine 2023 is to deliver an outstanding program for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by leading scientists which covers the entire spectrum of research in Psychology and Psychiatry and share the cross-cultural experiences of various treatment procedures.

Psychosomatic Medicine 2023 is an annual meeting of Psychiatrists as well as Psychologist committees to discuss the future of the Psychology and Psychiatry in terms of collaboration, structures and organizational development and advances of Psychiatry and Psychological syndromes.

About 1.4 million people in Italy suffer from Psychiatry and Psychological, women being affected twice as often as men. Every tenth Italian develops a depression that necessitates treatment at least once a lifetime. According to estimates of the WHO (World Health Organisation), 135 million people worldwide suffer from depression.

According to UNISON numbers, 27 million people suffer from depression in all of Europe. And there, the disease is the second most common reason for incapacity to work. The European Commission estimates that UNISON economies face $134 billion in annual costs due to this burden.

Why to attend?

We strive to make Psychosomatic Medicine 2023 a success, with your support and high quality talks from both Psychiatrists as well as Psychological committees. During the conference, we assure you that you will experience world class facilities and hospitality at the conference.

40th International Conference on Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine is a unique forum to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry, Stress researchers, public health professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to exchange about state of the art research and technologies. The Conference will feature many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by reputed psychiatrists from all over the country.

Psychosomatic Medicine 2023 Highlights includes:

  • Earn up to 12-14 CME Credits
  • CPD Credits by CPD Standards Office, UK
  • IOCM Certification
  • One on One Meeting with Eminent Speakers from 40 Countries
  • Keynote sessions by world’s most eminent researchers at Psychiatry research
  • Top Industries Representation
  • Thought provoking Symposia’s and Workshops
  • Preconference workshops in all major countries
  • Nominations for Best Poster Award
  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award
  • Group Registration benefits

Your attendance and participation will be greatly appreciated as we seek to strengthen the expertise in field of Psychology & Psychiatry!!


Track 1: Psychosomatic Disorders

Psychosomatic disorder, also called Psychophysiological Disorder, condition in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological functioning to the point of distress. It is a state of dysfunction or auxiliary harm in substantial organs through unseemly actuation of the automatic sensory system and the organs of inner discharge. Psychosomatic disorders coming about because of stress may incorporate hypertension, respiratory infirmities, gastrointestinal unsettling influences, headache and strain migraines, pelvic torment, weakness, sub-zero condition, dermatitis, and ulcers. Numerous patients experiencing psychosomatic infections react to a blend of drug therapy, psychoanalysis, and behaviour therapy.

  • Drug and the Brain
  • Process Addictions and Medication Assisted Therapy

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAcademy of Consultation-Liaison PsychiatryAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP)European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 2: Addiction Psychiatry

Addiction psychiatry includes both medication and psychotherapy, or expert restorative communication, as the methods for treating people. In any case, not all substance addictions contain endorsed prescription for treatment.

Addiction psychiatry aims to treat individuals with addiction issues along with co-occurring psychiatric disorders, otherwise known as patients with dual diagnosis. Each instance of addiction is one of a kind and addiction specialists must take into account every individual patient. Addiction psychiatrists must perceive the various elements that tie into every individual's battle with an addiction.

  • Drug addiction
  • Impulse control disorder
  • Rehabilitation
  • Last onset of alcoholism 

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 3: Psychosomatic Treatment

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the standard treatment of choice for a psychosomatic issue. This treatment empowers patients to adapt better ways to deal with adjust to and deal with their issues as they increase an increasingly significant appreciation of their condition or conditions. Patients will in like manner make sense of how to set devoted life focuses and recognize and change practices or thoughts that impacts influence their lives. Psychosomatic drug has evaluated a subspecialty of the fields of psychiatry and nervous system science. Restorative drugs and psychotherapy are used to treat afflictions fathomed to have a psychosomatic part. The reaction psychosomatic issue is generally suggested a mental issue or a mental downfall which causes substantial side effects by mental system of the sufferer rather than the financing no physical or a natural reason.

  • Group Therapy
  • Supportive Psychotherapy
  • Drug Abreaction
  • Hypnosis 

Related Societies

USA and CanadaInternational Society of Behavioural MedicineAmerican Psychosomatic SocietyAcademy of Behavioural Medicine Research,  American Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: Central and Eastern European Society of Behavioural MedicineHungarian Society of Behavioural Sciences and MedicineEuropean Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 4: Consultation-liaison Psychiatry

Consultation-liaison psychiatry, otherwise called psychosomatic medicine, is an energizing subspecialty of psychiatry that spotlights on the consideration of patients with comorbid mental and general ailments.

Consultation-liaison psychiatrists regularly work in essential consideration and outpatient claim to fame centres, (for example, diabetes or ladies' facilities) and have key jobs in creating populace based community oriented consideration models for the more than 10 million patients with comorbid incessant ailment.

  • Substance use disorder
  • Sleep disorder
  • Suicide attempt or threat
  • Neuroimaging 

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 5: Mental Health

Mental health alludes to our cognitive, behavioural, and emotional wellbeing - it is about how we think, feel, and carry on. The term 'mental health' is at times used to mean a nonattendance of a psychological issue. The most well-known sorts of psychological maladjustment are anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia disorders.

As first experience with diseases or harmful engineered substances while pregnant may have an effect in getting mental unrest. Distinctive factors may extend the shot of risk, for instance, usage of unlawful prescriptions or having a certifiable restorative condition like sickness. Prescriptions and exhorting can settle various mental issues. Different kinds of mental issue like Anxiety issue, Sorrow, Mood issue, Identity issue, insane issue, over the top dire perplexity, Post-awful pressure issue, substance misuse.

  • Gender specific risk factor
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Sexual discrimination

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAlcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers of New York State (ASANYS)American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)American Psychological Association (APA)American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA)National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)National Association of Alcohol, Drugs, & Disability (NAADD)National Association of State Alcohol & Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD)National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD)The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)American Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA)European Federation Of Addiction SocietiesEuropean Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: Asia-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research (APSAAR)The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 6: Psychopharmacology

Psychopharmacology is the study of drug-induced changes in mood, thinking, and behaviour. These drugs may originate from natural sources such as plants and animals, or from artificial sources such as chemical syntheses in the laboratory. These drugs interact with particular target sites or receptors found in the nervous system to induce widespread changes in physiological or psychological functions. The specific interaction between drugs and their target sites or receptors is referred to as drug action. The widespread changes in physiological or psychological function is referred to as drug effect. In psychopharmacology, researchers are interested in a wide range of drug classes such as antidepressants and stimulants. Drugs are researched for their pharmaceutical properties, physical side effects, and psychological side effects.

  • Dose response relation in psychiatric medications
  • Preclinical psychopharmacology
  • Psycho pharmacological medication
  • Modern psychopharmacology

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 7: Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a general term that is used to describe the process of treating psychological disorders and mental distress by the use of verbal and psychological techniques. Depending on the approach used by the therapist, a wide range of techniques and strategies can be used. Be that as it may, practically a wide range of psychotherapy include building up a restorative relationship, conveying and making an exchange, and attempting to conquer tricky considerations or practices.

Some of the major approaches to psychotherapy include Psychoanalytic TherapyBehavioural Therapy, Humanistic Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive-behavioural Therapy.

  • Pharmacology
  • Fundamental science
  • Applied science
  • pharmaceutical drugs

Related Societies

USA and CanadaInternational Society of PsychoneuroendocrinologyAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 8: Neuroscience

Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary science that is concerned with the study of the structure and function of the nervous system. It encompasses the evolution, development, cellular and molecular biology, physiology, anatomy and pharmacology of the nervous system, as well as computational, behavioural and cognitive neuroscience.

Major branches of neuroscience can be broadly categorized into Behavioural neuroscienceClinical neuroscienceCognitive neuroscienceComputational neuroscienceNeuroimaging and Neurophysiology.

  • Eating Disorders
  • Addiction
  • Neurotic Disorders
  • Degenerative Disorders
  • Mood Disorders

Related Societies

USA and CanadaNational Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)American Foundation for Suicide PreventionMental Health AmericaThe American Psychiatric AssociationSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationThe National Association of Psychiatric Health SystemsAmerican Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Society for Mental Health and Deafness (ESMHD)European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 9: Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology and psychiatry are a scientific discipline which deals with mental states and behaviour. It is a broad discipline includes many sub-fields such as human development, sports, clinical, social behaviour and cognitive process.

  • Social psychology
  • Geriatric psychiatry
  • Neurocognitive psychiatry
  • Emergency psychiatry
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Behavioural psychology

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (ASCP)National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)American Foundation for Suicide PreventionMental Health AmericaThe American Psychiatric AssociationSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationThe National Association of Psychiatric Health SystemsAmerican Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (Ebps), The British Association for Psychopharmacology (BAP), Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry, Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry, Serbian Association of Neuropsychopharmacology (SAN), Romanian Society for Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology, Polish Psychiatric Society, Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology,  Israeli Society for Biological Psychiatry (ISBP), Association of Neuropsychopharmacology and Pharmacopsychiatry (AGNP), French Federation of Psychiatry (FFP), Finnish Psychiatric Association, Bulgarian Psychiatric Association (BPA).

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists (APFP),  The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 10: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Child and adolescent psychiatry deals in the treatment of mental health disorders of children aged up to 18 years. The same number of grown-up psychological well-being issue start in youth and these behavioural problems connected with challenges all through adulthood, so kid and immature psychiatry is pivotal branch as it includes in recognition and early treatment of mental health disorders.

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Social impact
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Aggression and violence
  • Adolescent counselling
  • Teenage depression
  • Child abuse and negligence
  • Emotional and Behavioural disorders

Related Societies           

USA and CanadaUnited States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP)American Group Psychotherapy AssociationSociety for Psychotherapy ResearchAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)European Family Therapy Association (EFTA)European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Sector (EFPP)European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists (APFP),  The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 11: Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry

Geriatric psychiatry is a sub speciality of psychiatry which deals with the study, prevention and treatment of mental disorders in human with old age. It emphasizes the psychological and biological aspects of normal ageing.

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression
  • Geriatric counselling
  • Dementia
  • Geriatric nursing

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAnxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)American Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS)European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 12: Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Stress is a feeling of physical and emotional tension. Despite being unpleasant, it is not a disease but there are connections between stress and mental health problem like depression, anxiety, PTSD and psychosis.

  • Acute stress disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Social anxiety disorders
  • Persistent depressive disorders

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 13: Psychiatric Nursing

Psychiatric mental health nursing is strength in nursing. Psychological wellness mental enlisted medical attendants work with people, families, gatherings and networks, surveying their emotional well-being needs. Individuals don't by and large think about psychological sickness as evident ailments; however they are more troubling than other body ailments. The psychiatric nurses specialize in mental health helps patients to overcome in their psychiatric disorder and the stigma associated with it.

  • Nursing and mental health
  • Nursing education in mental health
  • Psychiatric health nursing practice

Related Societies

USA and CanadaCognitive Neuroscience SocietySociety for NeuroscienceAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 14: Self-harm and Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the showing of intentionally causing one's own specific end. Danger factors fuse mental issue, for instance, discouragement, bipolar confusion, schizophrenia, identity issue, and substance mishandle, including liquor addiction and utilization of benzodiazepines. Various suicides are imprudent acts on account of worry, for instance, from money related difficulties, issues with associations, or from tormenting. The people who have previously attempted suicide are at higher danger for future undertakings.

  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Clinical Depression

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Track 15: Sexual Psychiatric Disorder

Sexual psychiatric disorders may abruptly impact anybody, whenever in their lives, in any capacity whatsoever or no explanation whatever. These disorders may result from passionate or physical causes. Emotional factors encapsulate social or mental issues, which may be the consequences of despondency, sexual feelings of trepidation or blame, past sexual injury, and sexual issue, among others. Sexual dysfunctions is especially basic among those that have tension issue.

  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Autism
  • ADHD

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 16: Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric nursing is the medical care of neonates and children up to adolescence, usually in an in-patient hospital or day-clinic.

  • Infections in neonatal care unit
  • Pediatric trauma care
  • Pediatric airway
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 17: Yoga & Meditation

Yoga alludes to antiquated physical and mental controls beginning in Bharat. The word yoga is identified with agonizing practices in every Buddhism and Hinduism. In Hinduism, it furthermore alludes to 1 of the six customary universities of Hindu rationality, and to the objective towards that that personnel coordinates its practices.

Significant parts of yoga epitomize Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Janna Yoga, commitment Yoga, and yoga. Raja Yoga, arranged inside the Yoga Sutras of Pat Anjali, and celebrated just as yoga inside the setting of Hindu theory, is a part of the Samkhya tradition. A few diverse Hindu writings talk about parts of yoga, together with the Vedas, Upanishads, the Bhagavad holy composition, the yoga Pradipika, the Shiva Samhita and various Tantras.

Meditation is accepted to ease the strains and the stress of the body. Meditation is right now extensively perceived to affect both useful and physiological parts of the mind. Mindfulness meditation can be described from various perspectives and can be used for an arrangement of different medicines. While describing Mindfulness meditation, it is profitable to draw upon Buddhist mental traditions and the making stipend inside observational brain science.

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mindfulness

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Track 18: Healthcare

Healthcare is the avoidance, analysis and other mental and physical impedances in people treatment for breakdown. Healthcare is treated by wellbeing expert's suppliers or professionals in social insurance areas or fields. Doctors are the piece of human services experts. Dentistry, drug store, word related and active recuperation, maternity care, nursingbrain research, prescription and the other healthcare professions are the piece of healthcare system.

  • Healthcare and Community Health
  • Health care services
  • Healthcare Education
  • Occupational Health
  • Healthcare Applications
  • Healthcare and Medical Devices

Related Societies

USA and CanadaAmerican Psychosomatic Society (APS)Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP), New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)American Psychological AssociationAtlanta Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychiatric Nurses AssociationCanadian Psychological AssociationAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaAmerican Association of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAmerican Association of Psychiatric AdministratorsAmerican Psychoanalytic AssociationAmerican Society of Hispanic PsychiatryAssociation of Women PsychiatristsInternational Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP).

Europe: European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)The British Psychological SocietyEuropean Association of Social PsychologyEuropean Association of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Academy of Occupational Health PsychologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesFinnish Psychological AssociationPsychological Society of IrelandRussian Psychological SocietyTurkish Psychological Association.

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: The Australian Psychological SocietyChinese Psychological SocietyNew Zealand Psychological SocietyHong Kong Psychological SocietyIndian Psychological AssociationIsrael Psychological AssociationThe Middle East Psychological Association,  Emirates Psychological AssociationJapanese Society of Psychosomatic MedicineJapanese Society of Behavioral Medicine.


Advantages of Participating at our conference:

  • As an add on advantage the Speaker & Abstract pages created in Google on your profile   under your name would get worldwide visibility
  • Our robust online publicity attracts 20000+ users and 60000+ views to our Library of Abstracts which brings worldwide exposure to the researchers and speakers participate in our conferences
  • All the conference participants can earn up to 16-18 CME Credits by participating at our Psychiatry & Psychology Conference scheduled at London, UK.
  • To attain professional development we offer our participants a chance to earn up to 21 CPD Credits authorized by CPD Standards Office, UK by participating at our Psychiatry & Psychology Conferences.
  • All the conference participants will be awarded with IOCM Certification
  • All the conference participants will have an unique opportunity to participate at One on One Meeting with Eminent Speakers
  • A Unique opportunity to hear what the global researchers are talking about at our Keynote sessions by world’s most eminent researchers in the field of Psychiatry & Psychology.
  • Top Industries Representation of Industrial Leaders, where you get a great opportunity to meet and discuss with the Industrial Leaders in person
  • Thought provoking Symposia’s
  • Workshops on Carrier Development
  • Preconference workshops in all major countries
  • Nominations for Best Poster Award
  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award
  • Group Registration benefits

Benefits of Participation | Speaker

  • Explore the best in Cutting edge Research
  • Worldwide acknowledgment of Researcher’s profile
  • Obtain professional development credits
  • Your presence and talk will be recorded and hosted on YouTube and Vimeo which in turn will gain potential value to your research profile.
  • Make Lasting connections at Networking and Social Events
  • We provide unique convergence of Networking, Learning and Fun into a single package
  • An opportunity to give One page advertisement in abstract book and flyers distribution which eventually gets 1 Million views and add great value to your research profile
  • Learn beyond your field of interest, a change to know more about the new topics and research apart from your core subject

Benefit of Participation | Sponsor

  • Worlds No1 Platform to show case Psychiatry & Psychology Products
  • Exposure to the international atmosphere will increase the odds of getting new business
  • Opportunity to showcase the new technology, new products of your company, and/or the service your industry to a broad international audience
  • Attain with an exceptional format in showcasing the products and services and to gain the potential clients for the future business prospects
  • Our Psychiatry & Psychology Conference in the One and only location to reach the top customers
  • Make new connections and fostering potential partnerships
  • Increase your business by lead generation through our conference participants.
  • Build a successful business takes a lot of time, effort and drive, so it’s always good to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from people who share a similar drive and objective.
  • Flip side of learning new things is relearning classic techniques. Psychiatry & Psychology conferences create opportunities for greater focus and reflection that could help you take your business to the next level.
  • Benchmarking key strategies for business and moving it forward
  • Get answers to your business questions and challenges from credible individuals at our conference
  • Exposure and Networking Opportunity with the various top decision makers of the respective organizations, will eventually grow your business in Global market
  • Get to know more about your competitors are first-hand, learn more about their businesses, and discover their strengths and weaknesses, all of which can add to your business’s competitive edge.
  • Encounter new vendors and suppliers for your business
  • Real Benefits in New business - Many Organizations make deals and sign contracts at our Psychiatry & Psychology Conference
  • We offer you the Website visibility to more than 35K visitors in less than 6 months
  • Promotional logo of your organisation at our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material
  • Hosting session slots, poster awards, recognition in opening ceremony and complimentary registrations, exhibition/workshop booth, low-budget options.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

  • No one in the world have this huge visitors towards Psychiatry & Psychology, these is the best platform to show case your society
  •  Create long-lasting relationships with the peers
  • Promotional content and Logo of your Association at our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material will increase your subscribers/Members number by 20 %.
  • Our Website visibility to your Organization page can give a great impact for your association in the Global Market.
  • Your representatives can network with key conference delegates to update their knowledge and understanding of your organization and services.
  •  Details will be added to the conference press release where the details will be shared to < 100000 outlets
  •  Details will be incorporated in all conference promotional materials which will be distributed to Hospitals, Universities, Society and Researchers

Benefits of Participation | Delegate

  • Helps to meet Experts & Influencers Face to Face.
  • Opportunities to meet researchers and experts of same field and share new ideas
  • Can help to know New Tips & Tactics
  • Professional Development – Elevate your knowledge and Skills
  • Conference attendance inspires, rejuvenates, and energizes delegates
  • Your participation at our conference will be helpful for a new approach and ideology that can be utilized for the extending the outcome of Companies or Industries.
  • Enjoy the alluring city environment where the conference is being held.
  •  Raise your profile by being well-known


Importance of Psychiatry

About 14% of the global burden of disease has been attributed to neuropsychiatric disorders, as by 2020, it is estimated to be that the burden of a mental disorder will have to be increased to 15 % of the Disability Adjusted Life Years, which is termed to be (DALYs). Mostly due to the regularly disabling nature of depression and other common mental disorders, alcohol-use and psychosis. Such estimates have drawn helpfulness to the importance of mental disorders for public health. The problem of mental disorders is likely to have been misjudged because of inadequate appreciation of the connectedness between psychological illness and other health disorders. 

Conversely, many health situations increase the risk for mental disorder, and comorbidity complicates help-seeking, diagnosis, and behavior, and influences prognosis. Mental disorders, a highly prevalent group of non-communicable diseases, affect the lives of 1 out of 5 persons each year. They represent 20–40% of the burden of disability. Factors related to mental illness can interfere with the treatment of other illnesses and frequently co-occur with CVS, diabetescancer, and other non-communicable diseases

Psychiatry is more vital to the common public than ever before, and with the rise of reported mental health and behavior health issues, it might seem a bit confusing as to why personalities still tend to ignore the consequences of leaving these symptoms crude. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that the suicide rate of Americans aged 35-64 years has risen almost 29 percent from 1999 to 2010.  In Europe, the rate of employees reporting mental health issues to their employers has risen to two out of every five workers. Tremendous amounts of studies, an increase in global awareness and a shift in attitude towards treating and helping those with behavioral or mental health issues has likely brought more of these issues to light.

Treating the behavior or mental health signs is just one part of the equation – we also are able to effort on one’s overall health, such as eating right, basic medical situations or physical activity. So when you invest in modern psychiatric services, it is a experienced program that addresses all of the needs in a patient’s personal life. 

Principles of Psychosomatic

The term psychosomatic, in common parlance and in the medical community, connotes physical symptoms that are not medically legitimate. At least two national organizations with the term in their titles have given serious consideration to changing it. It implies physical symptoms without organic concomitants, triggered by emotional conflict, exaggerated emotionality, stress, and or a desire for attention or other personal benefit. It tends to be dismissive; psychosomatic illnesses are thought to consume inordinate amounts of medical attention and are not deemed worthy of that investment. Prejudices such as these belie the intrinsic interrelatedness of 'psyche' and 'soma', deter scientific investigation into a fascinating interface, and ultimately add to the waste of medical resources.

Psychosomatic medicine poses and addresses critical questions about relationships among 'mind', 'body', the central nervous system, and neuroendocrine functions. It is paradoxical that both medical theory and lay parlance assume that Psychologic, neurologic, and somatic functions and symptoms affect one another closely. The same culture that may deride 'psychosomatic' symptoms accepts without question the observation that a person anticipating an examination experiences “butterflies in the stomach”, that someone got so upset he or she “had a heart attack”, and the idea that stress “eats one's heart out”. Physicians are as vulnerable to these positive and negative preconceptions as the rest of the population and must be alert for their unwitting intrusion into medical reasoning and medical care.

Why to Attend?

Psychiatry & Psychosomatic medicine conference 2023 will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work. Psychiatry & Psychosomatic medicine meetings 2023 will congregate renowned speakers, principal investigators, experts, psychiatrist and researchers from both academia and health care. Industries will join together to discuss their views and research. Psychiatry & Psychosomatic Medicine conference will be comprised of sessions by world class experts in the field of psychiatry. In Psychiatry & Psychosomatic medicine meetings 2023, international symposiums, B2B meetings, international workshops will also be organized to discuss the specific topics in the field of Psychiatry.

A Unique Chance for Advertisers and Sponsors at this Global event:



·         The American Psychosomatic society

·         The Japanese Society of Psychosomatic internal medicine.

·         International Society of Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry

·         Brazilian Psychiatric Association

·         American Psychiatric Association

·         Professional association of specialists in psychosomatic

·         Psychosomatic associations in internal diseases

·         Asian Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Association

·         World Psychiatric Association

·         Active Minds

·         American Association of Suicidology

·         American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

·         Brain and Behavior Research Foundation

·         Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

·         The National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems.

·         The National Alliance on Mental Illness.

·         The Australian & New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

·         Psychotherapy and Counseling Federation of Australia

·         Australian Society for Psychological Medicine

·         The European Association of Psychosomatic medicine.

·         European Mental Health association



·         Harvard University

·         Stanford University

·         Yale University

·         Columbia University

·         UCLA (University of California Los Angeles)

·         Duke University

·         University of Pennsylvania

·         University of California - San Diego

·         University of Pittsburgh

·         University of Michigan

·         University of Manchester

·         Cardiff University

·         University of Vermont

·         University of Amsterdam

·         University of Melbourne

·         University of Queensland

·         University of New South Wales

·         University of Hong Kong

·         Mount St. Vincent University

·         St. Mary's University

Top Companies Producing Psychosomatic Drugs

·         Forest Laboratories

·         Solvay of Belgium

·         GlaxoSmithKline

·         Pfizer

·         Lund Beck

·         Bristol-Meyer Squibb

·         Oregano International

·         Universal Health Services Inc.

·         Fujisawa Pharmaceutical

·         Meiji Seika

·         Janssen Ph.

·         Novartis

·         Merck

·         Johnson and Johnson

·         Roche


·         Psychiatry Scientists/Research Professors

·         Physicists/Chemists

·         Junior/Senior research fellows of Psychology Field

·         Directors of Pharmaceutical companies

·         Members of different Psychiatry associations.

.         Student from psychology department

Conference series LLC LTD hosted the “39th International Conference on Psychiatry & Psychosomatic Medicine" (Psychosomatic Medicine 2022) Webinar during June 15-16, 2022, with a theme "Psychosomatic Medicine: Emerging Trends and Perspectives". Altruistic reaction and active participants were received from the Editorial Board Members of respective supporting Journals as well as from the Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Researchers, Doctors, Students from the fields of Research, who made this event inspiringly successful.

The Psychosomatic Medicine 2022 Conference was gone through various sessions with discussions on the following scientific tracks:

The conference was initiated and embarked with an opening ceremony followed by series of lectures delivered by

•           Minna Chang, Imperial College London, UK

•           Sumeesha Jaswal, Government Medical College and Hospital, India

•           Anat Ben-Salmon and Ofer Erez, Center for Practical Professional Training, Israel

Conference series LLC LTD offers its ardent appreciation to Societies and Organizations likewise obliged to the Organizing Committee Members, adepts of field, different external specialists, organization delegates and other renowned personalities who intertwined with conference series LLC Ltd in supporting and making the meeting as never before one.

Your response is our motivation; remembering this maxim and being seen the victory of Psychosomatic Medicine 2022, conference series LLC LTD is glad to announce the next meeting. Mark your calendars for the upcoming conference, “40th International Conference on Psychiatry & Psychosomatic Medicine"(Psychosomatic medicine 2023) which is scheduled during May 22-23, 2023, in Berlin, Germany.

Meet us again @ Psychosomatic Medicine 2023


Conference Highlights

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 22-23, 2023
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed Day 1
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View